Greenheck Upblast & Downblast Roof Fans & Kitchen Exhaust Fans by Greenheck

Product Features
Product Overview
The Centrifugal Roof Upblast and Sidewall Exhaust Fans include both direct and belt driven fans with backward inclined centrifugal wheels. The motors on the fans are out of the airstream. The fans are suitable for applications ranging from storage room to fume hood exhaust and kitchen grease exhaust to smoke control.
Series C Models CUE, CUBE
Series C spun aluminum exhaust fans are specifically designed for roof mounted (CUE/CUBE) applications. Contaminated or grease laden exhaust air can be discharged directly upward, away from the roof surface. The fans feature a one piece windband continuously welded to curb cap and double studded isolators for true vibration isolation. Capacities range from 70 to 30,000 cfm and up to 5.0 in. wg.
Model USGF
The Ultimate Steel Grease Fan, model USGF is the ideal fan for heavy grease exhaust applications as stated in NFPA’s Chapter 11 restaurants and food service where high amounts of grease and/or solid fuels are used like charbroilers, solid fuel cooking, and oriental cooking Constructed of steel, the model USGF includes a non-stick coated steel wheel, steel windband, steel curb cap, and steel motor compartment. Standard features include UL-762, a heat baffle, clean-out port, dual belt and pulley system, and a mounted and wired NEMA-3R disconnect switch. The unit is powder coated for protection. Capacities range from 350 to 7000 cfm and up to 3.25 in. wg.
The TCBRU is a belt drive upblast roof exhaust fan which features a necked down windband section which creates high outlet velocities to carry contaminated exhaust away from nearby make-up air units. Capacities range from 360 to 24,000 cfm and up to 4.5 in. wg.